

Prawn ceviche is a popular dish in Veracruz which is a port city on the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. With prawns, lots of lime juice, crunchy carrot, onion, cucumber and jalapeño, this ceviche is a burst of summery fresh flavours.

This ceviche is for those of you who would love to try making ceviche recipes at home, but perhaps may be a bit nervous of using raw fish as the prawns are fully cooked. It’s safe to say though that anybody who enjoys a good ceviche would also love this recipe. 

You can prepare this prawn ceviche recipe with cooked and peeled prawns that you can buy from the shop, ready to use. Alternatively, you can get them raw and poach them in water with a bit of salt, black peppercorns and a bay leaf, until they change in colour to a light pink.

Ceviche recipes mainly consist of raw fish or prawns cooked with lime juice, extra virgin olive oil and salt. You can add fresh herbs or chilli as well, and serve with Gran Luchito Lightly Salted Tortilla Chips. The Gran Luchito Smoky Chipotle Fajita & Taco Mix gives a nice kick to this ceviche without making it too spicy. It gives it just the right amount of flavour.

The perfect Mexican prawn recipe to keep you going during hot summer days, this prawn ceviche is light, delicious and fresh.

  • Prep time


  • Cook time


  • Total time


  • Ideal for

  • Make it

  • Serves


Nutrition: Per serving

kcal 157 fat 9.5g saturates 1.5g carbs 11.8g sugars 1.7g fibre 1.2g protein 5.7g salt 0.56g

How to make it

  1. In a bowl add the cooked prawns, onion, carrot and cucumber.
  2. Squeeze the lime juice on top, pour in the extra virgin olive oil, add the Smoky Chipotle Fajita & Taco Mix, a pinch of salt and freshly ground pepper.
  3. Put it in the fridge for 5 minutes to let the lime juice cook the raw onion a little bit.
  4. When ready to serve, add the coriander and mix it all with a spoon. Garnish with slices of avocado and add the fresh jalapeno on top.
  5. Serve with Lightly Salted Tortilla Chips on the side. Enjoy with a very cold beer or a chilled glass of Sauvignon Blanc.

What To Serve With Ceviche

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Can you eat raw prawns?

Eating raw prawns should be avoided due to the risks of food poisoning. When you coat raw prawns in citrus juice, the juice will cook them because the acid in the juice will turn them firm and pink just as if it had been exposed to heat. So add them to a bowl with half a cup of lime juice and let it stand for 15 minutes so the prawns can "cook" in the lime juice (any less and it won't cook, any more and it toughens).

How to pronounce ceviche?

Suh - vee - chee

Is ceviche safe?

The only fish you should use for ceviche is sashimi grade fish that is suitable for raw consumption. Make sure you check with your fishmonger.

What fish for ceviche?

Firm, well-muscled white fish such as bream and bass are ideal. You could also try haddock, halibut, pollack, grouper, cod, salmon, tuna, and prawns.

Where is ceviche from?

Ceviche is from South America and eventually spread into Mexico and Central America. There is some debate on whether it originally came from Peru or Ecuador.

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